Sermons from August 2020
The Last Days Series: The End of the Age Part 1
Are these the last days of planet Earth? Is the Lord’s return imminent? Do the events we’re witnessing confirm that the Lord is on His way or will things continue as they always have?
The Right Hand of God part 2
Part two of the series Right Hand of God. We are seated with Jesus at the right hand of the Father. Jesus has all authority and shares some of that authority with us. What does this mean? This series digs deep to uncover that truth. Praying from a position of authority can change everything .
The Right Hand of God Part 1
Part one of our series, The Right Hand of God examines the authority of Christ. Understanding His authority is the key to understanding our authority in him. Matt. 28:18; Ephesians 1:18-23— 2:1-6; 1 Chronicles 29:11; Romans 5:18-19;