Freedom from Jealousy and Envy

Freedom from Jealousy and Envy

Prayer for Deliverance

Heavenly Father, I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ to seek deliverance from the strongholds of jealousy and envy. I recognize that I have a problem in this area of my life. I repent for my participation with jealousy and envy. I ask your forgiveness for agreeing with the lies of the enemy. I cast down every argument formed against me in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ. I renounce jealousy and envy and break every agreement I have made with these unholy spirits. Holy Spirit fill me with your perfect love and place God’s desires in my heart. For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Give me the grace to walk in the freedom which Christ died to give me. I am a child of the living God, and I choose to submit my life and will to Jesus Christ, my lord, and savior.


  1. Recognize. Lord, I recognize that I’ve participated with jealousy and envy.
  2. Repent. I repent for the agreements I have made with them.
  3. Resist. I resist jealousy and envy and refuse to participate with them.
  4. Rebut. The Bible says to walk by the Spirit, and I shall not fulfill the desires of the flesh. I submit to the Lordship of my Heavenly Father; therefore, devil, according to His word, you must flee.
  5. Remove. So, spirits of jealousy and envy, I tell you to go now. In the name of Jesus Christ and the authority of God’s word, I remove you. Be gone.
  6. Rejoice: Thank you, Holy Spirit, for my freedom. I ask in the name of Jesus that you would fill the empty places left behind by jealousy and envy with the desires of God, especially love. In Jesus Christ’s holy name. Amen.